Report Portal

Hi Vidas! Great article. I´m current

Hi Vidas! Great article. I´m currently implementing this package for a database with some cubes containing pretty large measure groups (300+ million rows). For example one of the measure groups will have one partion for each day in the current month and montly partitions for older data. I have only one (1) server for my SSAS-solution, also I have to process on the same server as the users are quering. Until this time I´ve not been using any kind of automatic partitioning. I use the "Processing task" from SSIS with "Process Full" to process the complete database each night. Processing is done in one transaction so the cube is always in a "correct state". Can I modify your script so that the tasks (drop partitions, create partitions, process dims and process partions) are executing in one transaction? Something like this: Start transaction Drop partitions Create partitions Process dims Process partitions (in parallell, to save time) End transaction / Stefan


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