List of webcasts, videos, virtual labs, podcasts and other video/audio resources related to Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2005/2008.
Here you can find webcasts, screencasts, videos, podcasts and virtual labs on MDX language that is used in Analysis Services 2005/2008.
Webcasts about Microsoft SQL Server 2008r2 self service BI and PowerPivot (code name Gemini)
Here you can find webcasts, screencasts, videos, podcasts and virtual labs that will help you to learn about Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2005 and 2008.
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Virtual Labs. Allows you to try SSAS features without having Analysis Services installed in your environment.
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2005/2008 webcasts, screencasts, videos, podcasts, etc. related to Data Mining technology.
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services virtual labs related to Data Mining. Allows you to try Data Mining features without having SSAS installed on your environment.
Webcasts related to Microsoft Performance Point 2007.
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