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Dave, I believe your questions are on

Dave, I believe your questions are on point Multi-Dimensional thought is hard. It is a quantum shift up in difficulty from VB or C sharp or any other liner programming thought. As for the nay syers I challenge any of them to describe the best dimension in which to place a calculation and why they would place it there. I challenge them to explain their reasoning for using a specific architecture or what it means to use lieage or what it means to have many to many dimensions or what the optimization techniques are for them. I challenge them to describe the basics and fundamentals of solid OLAP architecture. I agree with you whole heartedly that there are many who believe that true BI expertise can be determined by talking points on a resume. I agree that you should hammer them on their knowledge if interviewing. I agree that you should use these techniques to drill in on what their expertise is. I know for certain as an employer, if I am paying big money hourly that I should get what I am paying for. Certainly any SAP, PEOPLESOFT, or ORACLE FINANCIALS expert would agree. Still, Microsoft and SQL Server (SSAS) experts never get their just reward because after all its GUI and its part of the software so everyone who knows SQL Server should know SSAS right? LOL! Its a joke! BI and Data Warehousing are a real skill Doing it VS. Doing it right is different.


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