I have 5 warehousetransactions: 2001-
I have 5 warehousetransactions:
2001-01-01 2
2001-06-01 5
2006-02-01 2
2010-03-01 -2
This should give me a warehouse on 7 at the end of march 2010.
I try to use PeriodstoDate and sum, but I cant get this to work, so that I can see warehouse at a given time.
This is what I do:
with Member [Measures].[totalStock] as
select {[Measures].[Stock], [Measures].[totalStock]} on columns,
nonempty([TIme Dimension].[Month].members) on rows
from [Itemtransaction CUBE]
where [Item Dimension].[Style no].B00000H
Why does it not work??