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PowerShell script to process all dimensions in one Analysis Services database

This PowerShell script will process all dimensions in one Analysis Services database. Copy and save this script in the file ProcessDim1.ps1:

# #######################################################################
# Author: Vidas Matelis (
# This script processes all dimensions in one specified database
# Save this script to the file ProcessAllDim1.ps1. To execute script:
# PowerShell.exe c:\scripts\ProcessAllDim1.ps1 -ServerName 'Vidas-Lenovo' -DBName 'Adventure Works DW' -ProcessType ProcessFull -PrintStatusBefore Y -PrintStatusAfter Y -Transactional Y -Parallel Y
# -ProcessType : ProcessFull | ProcessUpdate
# -PrintStatusBefore : Y | N; If value Y, then will print dimension status before starting re-processing. Default value N
# -PrintStatusAfter  : Y | N; If value N, then will print dimension status AFTER finishing re-processing. Default value N
# -Transactional     : Y | N; If value Y, then will do all dimension re-processing in one single transaction. Default value Y
# -Parallel          : Y | N; If value Y, then will do dimension re-processing in parallel. Default value Y
# Expected values for ProcessType: 'ProcessUpdate','ProcessFull'
# This script was written and tested on SSAS 2008, but it should also work with SSAS 2005
# #######################################################################
param($ServerName="localhost", $DBName="Adventure Works DW", $ProcessType="ProcessFull", $PrintStatusBefore="N", $PrintStatusAfter="N",$Transactional="Y",$Parallel="Y")

## Add the AMO namespace
$loadInfo = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.AnalysisServices")

if ($Transactional -eq "Y") {$TransactionalB=$true} else {$TransactionalB=$false}
if ($Parallel -eq "Y") {$ParallelB=$true} else {$ParallelB=$false}

$server = New-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server

if ($ -eq $null) {
 Write-Output ("Server '{0}' not found" -f $ServerName)

$DB = $server.Databases.FindByName($DBName)
if ($DB -eq $null) {
 Write-Output ("Database '{0}' not found" -f $DBName)
Write-Output("Load start time {0}" -f (Get-Date -uformat "%H:%M:%S") )
Write-Output("Server  : {0}" -f $Server.Name)
Write-Output("Database: {0}" -f $DB.Name)
Write-Output("DB State: {0}" -f $DB.State)
Write-Output("DB Size : {0}MB" -f ($DB.EstimatedSize/1024/1024).ToString("#,##0"))
Write-Output("Process : {0}" -f $ProcessType)
if ($PrintStatusBefore -eq "Y") {Write-Output("   Dimension status before processing")}

#Print dimension info (if set in the parameter) and submit for processing
foreach ($dim in $DB.Dimensions) {
 if ($PrintStatusBefore -eq "Y") { Write-Output ( "Dimension: {0} Status: {1}" -f $dim.Name.PadRight(35), $dim.State) }
 if ($dim.MiningModel -eq $null) { # We will not reprocess dimensions related to data mining model
} # Dimensions
$server.CaptureXML = $FALSE

Write-Output("Dimension processing started.   Time: {0}" -f (Get-Date -uformat "%H:%M:%S"))
$Result = $server.ExecuteCaptureLog($TransactionalB,$ParallelB)
Write-Output("Dimension processing completed. Time: {0}" -f (Get-Date -uformat "%H:%M:%S"))

Write-Output("*** Warnings and errors ***")
foreach ($res in $Result) {
 foreach ($msg in $res.Messages) {
  if ($msg.Description -ne $null) {
    Write-Output("{0}" -f $msg.Description)

$Server.Refresh($true) # Refresh to get updated values

if ($PrintStatusAfter -eq "Y") {
 Write-Output("                             Dimension status after reprocessing")
 foreach ($dim in $DB.Dimensions) {
  Write-Output ( "Dimension: {0} Status: {1}" -f $dim.Name.PadRight(35), $dim.State)
Write-Output("Load end time {0}" -f (Get-Date -uformat "%H:%M:%S") )

To execute this script you could use following command:

PowerShell.exe c:\scripts\ProcessAllDim1.ps1 -ServerName 'Vidas-Lenovo' -DBName 'Adventure Works DW' -ProcessType ProcessFull -Transactional Y -Parallel Y

Note: Command above will process all dimensions in one single batch and in parallel. This is the fastest way to process dimensions. But if at least one dimension processing fail, whole batch will fail. You have another option to process each dimension in its own batch. This way all dimensions that could be processed without errors will be saved, and just dimensions with errors will stay in un-processed state. To do so you change values for parameters "Transactional" and "Parallel". Here is a sample command that you can use:

PowerShell.exe c:\scripts\ProcessAllDim1.ps1 -ServerName 'Vidas-Lenovo' -DBName 'Adventure Works DW' -ProcessType ProcessFull -Transactional Y -Parallel Y

Here is how your results will look like:

C:\Users\Vidas>PowerShell.exe c:\projects\ps\ssas\ProcessAllDim1.ps1 -ServerName 'Vidas-Lenovo' -DBName 'Adventure Works DW' -ProcessType ProcessFull -PrintStatusBefore N -PrintStatusAfter Y -Transactional Y -Parallel Y
Load start time 22:06:27
Database: Adventure Works DW
DB State: PartiallyProcessed
DB Size : 35MB
Process : ProcessFull
Dimension processing started.   Time: 22:06:28
Dimension processing completed. Time: 22:06:52
*** Warnings and errors ***
                             Dimension status after reprocessing
Dimension: Promotion                           Status: Processed
Dimension: Product                             Status: Processed
Dimension: Customer                            Status: Processed
Dimension: Geography                           Status: Processed
Dimension: Reseller                            Status: Processed
Dimension: Sales Territory                     Status: Processed
Dimension: Employee                            Status: Processed
Dimension: Scenario                            Status: Processed
Dimension: Department                          Status: Processed
Dimension: Organization                        Status: Processed
Dimension: Account                             Status: Processed
Dimension: Date                                Status: Processed
Dimension: Source Currency                     Status: Processed
Dimension: Sales Reason                        Status: Processed
Dimension: Reseller Sales Order Details        Status: Processed
Dimension: Internet Sales Order Details        Status: Processed
Dimension: Clustered Customers                 Status: Processed
Dimension: Subcategory Basket Analysis         Status: Processed
Dimension: Sales Channel                       Status: Processed
Dimension: Destination Currency                Status: Processed
Dimension: Sales Summary Order Details         Status: Processed
Load end time 22:06:55

A special thanks to Darren Gosbell for helping me to find a bug in my error printout code. I struggled with this issue for a few hours and it took him just minutes to find a fix. Thanks Darren again!


Tags: amo, process, script


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