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Aug 18, 2015 - Microsoft released CU2 for SQL Server 2014 SP1

On Aug 22, 2015 Microsoft released Cumulative Update Package 2 (CU2) for SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1 (SP1).

This update contains hotfixes for issues that were fixed after the release of SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1. This build number of this cumulative update package is 12.0.4422.0.

List of fixes related to SQL Server Analysis Services / PowerPivot 2014:


SQL Bug Number

KB Article Number


CU2 4745317 3047538 FIX: Result of aggregated values is incorrect when you execute an MDX query in SSAS 2012 or SSAS 2014
CU247452963033456FIX: Poor performance when you run an MDX query that contains a sub-select of different granularities in SSAS 2012
CU247370053016384FIX: Database corruption after you perform a ProcessData and then ProcessRecalc operation in SSAS 2012 or SSAS 2014
CU247369893010148FIX: Non-admin role cannot receive correct ChildCount estimates for parent/child dimension leaf members in SSAS
CU247369883006838FIX: Instance of SSAS 2012 or SSAS 2014 crashes when cube writeback commit and processing transactions are executed at the same time
CU245845623029776FIX: Memory consumption increases quickly and surpasses HardMemoryLimit when you run a query in Many-To-Many dimension
CU247415773028216FIX: A crash occurs when proactive caching is triggered for a dimension in SSAS 2012 or SSAS 2014
CU247415353025408FIX: Access violation occurs when you run and then cancel a query on distinct count partitions in SSAS 2012 or SSAS 2014
CU247371143029126FIX: An internal error occurs in Power View when it is used to access an SSAS 2012 or SSAS 2014 multidimensional cube
CU247370593017544FIX: SSAS 2012 or SSAS 2014 crashes when a writeback commit transaction and batch processing are executed concurrently
CU245845533042077FIX: MDX query returns incorrect results when you run it with subselect after an UPDATE CUBE statement in SSAS 2012 or SSAS 2014
CU245845173051798FIX: Table values change after dividing and partitioning the table in SQL Server Analysis Services
CU1 4767701 3053752 FIX: PowerPivot Gallery displays Create Power View Report button incorrectly when you use SSAS 2014 as a data source
CU1 4741577 3028216 FIX: A crash occurs when proactive caching is triggered for a dimension in SSAS 2012 or SSAS 2014
CU1 4741535 3025408 FIX: Access violation occurs when you run and then cancel a query on distinct count partitions in SSAS 2012 or SSAS 2014
CU1 4737005 3016384 FIX: Database corruption after you perform a ProcessData and then ProcessRecalc operation in SSAS 2012 or SSAS 2014
CU1 4737059 3017544 FIX: SSAS 2012 or SSAS 2014 crashes when a writeback commit transaction and batch processing are executed concurrently
CU1 4584501 3020750 FIX: Error or blank page when you click the workbook link under "Data Refresh - Recent Activity"
CU1 4584502 3023620 FIX: Continuous refreshes occur after you configure scheduled data refresh in PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013
CU1 4584506 3027232 FIX: Error when you schedule data refresh by defining Secure Store ID in SQL Server PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013
CU1 4736878 3030325 FIX: The scheduled refresh only occurs every other day instead of every day in SQL Server 2014 PowerPivot data refresh
CU1 4736752 3030326 FIX: Entries are no longer recorded on history page when you customize data refresh in PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013
CU1 4745296 3033456 FIX: Poor performance when you run an MDX query that contains a sub-select of different granularities in SSAS 2012
CU1 4745317 3047538 FIX: Result of aggregated values is incorrect when you execute an MDX query in SSAS 2012 or SSAS 2014
CU1 4736989 3010148 FIX: Non-admin role cannot receive correct ChildCount estimates for parent/child dimension leaf members in SSAS
CU1 4584498 3023629 FIX: High CPU usage after you use DTExec utility to process SSAS data mining models
CU1 4584562 3029776 FIX: Memory consumption increases quickly and surpasses HardMemoryLimit when you run a query in Many-To-Many dimension
CU1 4736988 3006838 FIX: Instance of SSAS 2012 or SSAS 2014 crashes when cube writeback commit and processing transactions are executed at the same time
CU1 4737114 3029126 FIX: An internal error occurs in Power View when it is used to access an SSAS 2012 or SSAS 2014 multidimensional cube
CU1 4584553 3042077 FIX: MDX query returns incorrect results when you run it with subselect after an UPDATE CUBE statement in SSAS 2012 or SSAS 2014
CU1 4584517 3051798 FIX: Table values change after dividing and partitioning the table in SQL Server Analysis Services
CU1 4584549 3034492 FIX: "Call to Excel Services returned an error" error when you refresh the document in the PowerPivot Gallery


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