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Q: How in SSAS 2008 can I get the list of available MDX functions from DMVs?

Q: How in SSAS 2008 can I get the list of available MDX functions from DMVs?

A: SSAS 2008 provides DMV $system.MDSCHEMA_FUNCTIONS that returns list of available MDX functions with descriptions and list of parameters.

Here is the sample query:


On the default SSAS 2008 installation this query returns 154 functions. Please note that some of the functions are listed multiple times - each time with a different set of available parameters:





ADDCALCULATEDMEMBERSReturns a set generated by adding calculated members to a specified set.«Set»Set
AGGREGATEReturns a calculated value using the appropriate aggregate function, based on the aggregation type of the member.«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
ALLMEMBERSReturns a set containing all members of the level, including calculated members.(none)Set
ALLMEMBERSReturns a set containing all members of the hierarchy, including calculated members.(none)Set
ANCESTORReturns the ancestor of a member at a specified level.«Member», «Level»Navigation
ANCESTORReturns the ancestor of a member at a specific distance away in the hierarchy.«Member», «Distance»Navigation
ANCESTORSReturns a set of all ancestors of a member at a specific distance above the member in the hierarchy.«Member», «Distance»Navigation
ANCESTORSReturns a set of all ancestors of a member at a specified level.«Member», «Level»Navigation
ASCENDANTSReturns the set of the ascendants of the member.«Member»Navigation
AVGReturns the average value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
AXISReturns a set defined in an axis.«Numeric Expression»Metadata
BOTTOMNCOUNTReturns a specified number of items from the bottom of a set, optionally sorting the set first.«Set», «Count»[, «Numeric Expression»]Set
BOTTOMPERCENTSorts a set and returns the specified number of bottommost elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified percentage.«Set», «Percentage», «Numeric Expression»Set
BOTTOMSUMSorts a set and returns the specified number of bottommost elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified value.«Set», «Value», «Numeric Expression»Set
CALCULATIONCURRENTPASSReturns the current calculation pass of a cube for the specified query context.(none)Other
CALCULATIONPASSVALUEReturns the value of a numeric MDX expression evaluated over the specified calculation pass of a cube.«Numeric Expression», «Pass Value»[[, «Access Flag»], ALL]Other
CHILDRENReturns the children of a member.(none)Navigation
CLOSINGPERIODReturns the last sibling among the descendants of a member at a specified level.[«Level»[, «Member»] ]Time
COALESCEEMPTYCoalesces an empty cell value to a number.«Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»...]Statistical
CORRELATIONReturns the correlation of two series evaluated over a set.«Set», «Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
DIMENSIONS.COUNTCounts the number of hierarchies in the cube.(none)Metadata
COUNTCounts the number of members in the tuple.(none)Metadata
COUNTCounts the number of tuples in the set.(none)Statistical
LEVELS.COUNTCounts the number of levels in the hierarchy.(none)Metadata
COUNTReturns the number of tuples in a set, optionally including or excluding empty tuples.«Set»[, EXCLUDEEMPTY | INCLUDEEMPTY]Statistical
COUSINReturns the child member with the same relative position under a parent member as the specified child member.«Member1», «Member2»Navigation
COVARIANCEReturns the covariance of two series evaluated over a set, using the biased population formula.«Set», «Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
COVARIANCENReturns the covariance of two series evaluated over a set, using the unbiased population formula.«Set», «Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
CROSSJOINReturns the cross product of two sets.«Set1», «Set2»Set
CURRENTReturns the current tuple from a set during an iteration.(none)Navigation
CURRENTMEMBERReturns the current member along a hierarchy(none)Navigation
CURRENTORDINALReturns the current ordinal during an iteration over a set(none)Navigation
CUSTOMDATAReturns the value of CustomData property(none)Other
DATAMEMBERReturns the system-generated data member associated with a nonleaf member.(none)Navigation
DEFAULTMEMBERReturns the default member of a hierarchy.(none)Navigation
DESCENDANTSReturns the set of descendants of a member at a specified level, optionally including or excluding descendants in other levels.«Member»[, «Level»[, «Desc_flags»]]Set
DESCENDANTSReturns the set of descendants of a member at a specific distance away in the hierarchy, optionally including or excluding descendants in other levels.«Member»,«Distance»[, «Desc_flags»]Set
DISTINCTReturns a set, removing duplicate tuples from a specified set.«Set»Set
DISTINCTCOUNTReturns the number of distinct tuples in a set.«Set»Statistical
DRILLDOWNLEVELDrills down the members of a set one level below the lowest level represented in the set, or to one level below an optional level of a member represented in the set.«Set»[, «Level» ]UI
DRILLDOWNLEVELDrills down the members of a set one level below the lowest level represented in the set, or to one level below a dimension optionally selected by its zero-based index of a member represented in the set.«Set»[, , «Index»]UI
DRILLDOWNLEVELBOTTOMDrills down the members of a specified count of bottom members of a set, at a specified level, to one level below.«Set», «Count»[, [«Level»][, «Numeric Expression»] ]UI
DRILLDOWNLEVELTOPDrills down a specified count of top members of a set, at a specified level, to one level below.«Set», «Count»[, [«Level»][, «Numeric Expression»] ]UI
DRILLDOWNMEMBERDrills down the members in a specified set that are present in a second specified set.«Set1», «Set2»[, RECURSIVE]UI
DRILLDOWNMEMBERBOTTOMDrills down the members in a specified set that are present in a second specified set, limiting the result set to a specified number of bottommost members.«Set1», «Set2», «Count»[, [«Numeric Expression»] [, RECURSIVE] ]UI
DRILLDOWNMEMBERTOPDrills down the members in a specified set that are present in a second specified set, limiting the result set to a specified number of topmost members.«Set1», «Set2», «Count»[, [«Numeric Expression»] [, RECURSIVE] ]UI
DRILLUPLEVELDrills up the members of a set that are below a specified level.«Set»[, «Level»]UI
DRILLUPMEMBERDrills up the members in a specified set that are present in a second specified set.«Set1», «Set2»UI
EXCEPTFinds the difference between two sets, optionally retaining duplicates.«Set1», «Set2»[, ALL]Set
EXISTING (none)Set
EXISTS «Set1», «Set2»Set
EXTRACTReturns a set of tuples from extracted dimension elements.«Set», «Dimension»[, «Dimension»...]Set
FILTERReturns the set resulting from filtering a set based on a search condition.«Set», «Search Condition»Set
FIRSTCHILDReturns the first child of a specified member.(none)Navigation
FIRSTSIBLINGReturns the first child of the parent of a specified member.(none)Navigation
GENERATEApplies a set to each member of another set and joins the resulting sets by union.«Set1», «Set2»[, ALL]Set
GENERATEReturns a concatenated string created by evaluating a string expression over a set.«Set», «String Expression»[, «Delimiter»]String
HEADReturns the first specified number of elements in a set.«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]Set
HIERARCHIZEOrders the members of a specified set in a hierarchy in natural or, optionally, post-natural order.«Set»[, POST]Set
HIERARCHYReturns the hierarchy of a specified level.(none)Metadata
HIERARCHYReturns the hierarchy of a specified dimension.(none)Metadata
IIFReturns one of values determined by a logical test.«Logical Expression», «object», «object»Value
INTERSECTReturns the intersection of two sets, optionally retaining duplicates.«Set1», «Set2»[, ALL]Set
ISReturns TRUE if two compared objects are equivalent, FALSE otherwise.(none)Value
ISANCESTORReturns TRUE if a specified member is an ancestor of another specified member, FALSE otherwise.«Member1»,«Member2»Navigation
ISEMPTYReturns TRUE if the evaluated expression is the empty cell value, FALSE otherwise.«Value Expression»Value
ISGENERATIONReturns TRUE if a specified member is in a specified generation, FALSE otherwise.«Member»,«Numeric Expression»Navigation
ISLEAFReturns TRUE if a specified member is a leaf member, FALSE otherwise.«Member»Navigation
ISSIBLINGReturns TRUE if a specified member is a sibling of another specified member, FALSE otherwise.«Member1»,«Member2»Navigation
ITEMReturns a member from a specified tuple.«Numeric Expression»Other
ITEMReturns a tuple from a specified set.«String Expression»[, «String Expression»...] | «Index»Other
KPICURRENTTIMEMEMBERReturns the current time member of the KPI«String Expression»KPI
KPIGOALReturns the goal of the KPI.«String Expression»KPI
KPISTATUSReturns the measure with normalized status between -1 and 1 of the KPI. «String Expression»KPI
KPITRENDReturns the measure with normalized trend between -1 and 1 of the KPI«String Expression»KPI
KPIVALUEReturns the measure with normalized value between -1 and 1 of the KPI«String Expression»KPI
KPIWEIGHTReturns the measure with weight of the KPI«String Expression»KPI
LAGReturns the member that is a specified number of positions prior to a specified member along the dimension of the member.«Numeric Expression»Navigation
LASTCHILDReturns the last child of a specified member.(none)Navigation
LASTPERIODSReturns a set of members prior to and including a specified member.«Index»[, «Member»]Time
LASTSIBLINGReturns the last child of the parent of a specified member.(none)Navigation
LEADReturns the member that is a specified number of positions following a specified member along the dimension of the member.«Numeric Expression»Navigation
LEVELReturns the level of a member.(none)Metadata
LEVELSReturns the level whose zero-based position in a dimension is specified by a numeric expression.«Numeric Expression»Metadata
LINKMEMBERReturns the member equivalent to a specified member in a specified hierarchy.«Member>, «Hierarchy»Navigation
LINREGINTERCEPTCalculates the linear regression of a set and returns the value of b in the regression line y = ax + b.«Set», «Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
LINREGPOINTCalculates the linear regression of a set and returns the value of y in the regression line y = ax + b.«Numeric Expression», «Set», «Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
LINREGR2Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns R² (the coefficient of determination).«Set», «Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
LINREGSLOPECalculates the linear regression of a set and returns the value of a in the regression line y = ax + b.«Set», «Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
LINREGVARIANCECalculates the linear regression of a set and returns the variance associated with the regression line y = ax + b.«Set», «Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
LOOKUPCUBEReturns the value of an MDX expression evaluated over another specified cube in the same database.«Cube Name», «Numeric Expression»Navigation
MAXReturns the maximum value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
MEASUREGROUPMEASURESReturns the set of measures in the measure group.«String Expression»Set
MEDIANReturns the median value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
MEMBERSReturns the set of all members in a specified hierarchy.(none)Set
MEMBERSReturns the set of all members at a specified level in a dimension.(none)Set
MEMBERTOSTRReturns a string in Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) format from a member.«Member»String
MEMBERVALUEReturns the value of a member with its original data type.(none)Value
MINReturns the minimum value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
MTDReturns a set of members from the Month level in a Time dimension starting with the first period and ending with a specified member.[«Member»]Time
NAMEReturns the name of a specified member.(none)Metadata
NAMEReturns the name of a specified hierarchy.(none)Metadata
NAMEReturns the name of a specified level.LevelMetadata
NAMETOSETReturns a set containing a single member based on a string expression containing a member name.«Member Name»String
NEXTMEMBERReturns the next member in the level that contains a specified member.(none)Navigation
NONEMPTYReturns subset of first set with removed empty tuples based on the cross product with a second set.«Set1», «Set2»Set
NONEMPTYCROSSJOINReturns the cross product of two or more sets as a set, excluding empty members.«Set1», «Set2»[, «Set3»...][, «Crossjoin Count»]Set
OPENINGPERIODReturns the first sibling among the descendants of a specified level, optionally at a specified member.[«Level»[, «Member»] ]Time
ORDERArranges the members of a specified set, optionally preserving or breaking the hierarchy.«Set», {«String Expression» | «Numeric Expression»}[, ASC | DESC | BASC | BDESC]Set
ORDINALReturns the zero-based ordinal value associated with a specified level.(none)Metadata
PARALLELPERIODReturns a member from a prior period in the same relative position as a specified member.[«Level»[, «Numeric Expression»[, «Member»] ] ]Time
PARENTReturns the parent of a specified member.(none)Navigation
PERIODSTODATEReturns a set of members (periods) from a specified level starting with the first member and ending with a specified member.[«Level»[, «Member»] ]Time
PREDICTReturns a value of a numeric expression evaluated over a data mining model.«Mining Model Name», «Numeric Expression»Other
PREVMEMBERReturns the previous member in the level that contains a specified member.(none)Navigation
PROPERTIESReturns a string containing the value of the specified member property.«String Expression»[, TYPED]Navigation
QTDReturns a set of members from the Quarter level in a Time dimension starting with the first period and ending with a specified member.[«Member»]Time
RANKReturns the one-based rank of a specified tuple in a specified set.«Tuple», «Set»Statistical
ROLLUPCHILDRENReturns a value generated by rolling up the values of the children of a specified member using the specified unary operator.«Member», «String Expression»Statistical
SETTOARRAYConverts one or more sets to an array for use in a user-defined function.«Set»[, «Set»...][, «Numeric Expression»]Other
SETTOSTRConstructs a string in MDX format from a set.«Set»String
SIBLINGSReturns the set of siblings of a specified member, including the member itself.(none)Navigation
STDDEVReturns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using an unbiased population. (Alias for Stdev.)«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
STDDEVPReturns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using a biased population. (Alias for StdevP.)«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
STDEVPReturns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using an unbiased population.«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
STDEVPReturns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using a biased population.«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
STRIPCALCULATEDMEMBERSReturns a set generated by removing calculated members from a specified set.«Set»Set
STRTOMEMBERReturns a member from a string expression in MDX format.«String Expression»String
STRTOSETConstructs a set from a specified string expression in MDX format.«String Expression»String
STRTOTUPLEConstructs a tuple from a specified string expression in MDX format.«String Expression»String
STRTOVALUEReturns a value from a string expression.«String Expression»String
SUBSETReturns a subset of members from a specified set.«Set», «Start»[, «Count»]Set
SUMReturns the sum of a numeric expression evaluated over a specified set.«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
TAILReturns a subset of members from the end of a specified set.«Set»[, «Count»]Set
TOGGLEDRILLSTATEToggles the drill state of members.«Set1», «Set2»[, RECURSIVE]UI
TOPCOUNTReturns a specified number of items from the topmost members of a specified set, optionally ordering the set first.«Set», «Count»[, «Numeric Expression»]Set
TOPPERCENTSorts a set and returns the topmost elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified percentage.«Set», «Percentage», «Numeric Expression»Set
TOPSUMSorts a set and returns the topmost elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified value.«Set», «Value», «Numeric Expression»Set
TUPLETOSTRReturns a string in MDX format from a specified tuple.«Tuple»String
UNIONReturns a set generated by the union of two sets, optionally retaining duplicate members.«Set1», «Set2»[, ALL]Set
UNIQUENAMEReturns the unique name of a specified hierarchy.(none)Metadata
UNIQUENAMEReturns the unique name of a specified member.(none)Metadata
UNIQUENAMEReturns the unique name of a specified level.(none)Metadata
UNKNOWNMEMBERReturns the domain name and user name of the current connection.(none)Navigation
UNORDERReturns a set without ordering.«Set»Set
VALIDMEASUREReturns a value computed at the granularity of the measure group without unrelated dimensions and/or attributes.«Tuple»Value
VALUEReturns the value of a specified member.(none)Value
VARReturns the variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using an unbiased population.«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
VARIANCEReturns the variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using an unbiased population. (Alias for Var function.)«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
VARIANCEPReturns the variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using a biased population. (Alias for VarP function.)«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
VARPReturns the variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using a biased population.«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]Statistical
VISUALTOTALSReturns a set generated by dynamically totaling child members in a specified set, optionally using a pattern for the name of the parent member in the result set.«Set», «Pattern»Statistical
WTDReturns a set of members from the Week level in a Time dimension starting with the first period and ending with a specified member.[«Member»]Time
YTDReturns a set of members from the Year level in a Time dimension starting with the first period and ending with a specified member.[«Member»]Time

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