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How to calculate YTD monthly average and compare it over several years for the same selected month

Q: How to calculate YTD monthly average and compare it over several years for the same selected month?

A: MDX Query:

WITH MEMBER Measures.MyYTD AS SUM(YTD([Date].[Calendar]),[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount])

MEMBER Measures.MyMonthCount AS SUM(YTD([Date].[Calendar]),(COUNT([Date].[Month of Year])))

MEMBER Measures.MyYTDAVG AS Measures.MyYTD /  Measures.MyMonthCount

SELECT  {Measures.MyYTD, Measures.MyMonthCount,[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount],Measures.MyYTDAVG} On 0,
 [Date].[Calendar].[Month] On 1
FROM [Adventure Works]
WHERE ([Date].[Month of Year].&[7])


 MyYTDMyMonthCountInternet Sales Amount MyYTDAVG
July 2001$473,388.161$473,388.16$473,388.16
July 2002$4,306,075.747$500,365.16$615,153.68
July 2003$3,924,170.207$886,668.84$560,595.74
July 2004$9,770,899.747$50,840.63$1,395,842.82



Tags: mdx, faq


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