Akuarela BI (commercial)
Akuarela is a self service business intelligence application for ad-hoc dashboard creation. The software enables end users to easily create dashboards in a couple of seconds with just a few mouse clicks by dragging KPIs and dimensions on the various features of UI Elements. As an example a user can drag and drop the products dimension on a bar chart, the time dimension on a slider control and select the internet sales amount as KPI in order to create a dashboard showing the Internet sales over the last few months.
Akuarela is compatible with all data warehouses that support the XMLA interface (e.g. Microsoft Analysis Services, SAP Business Warehouse)
Akuarela is compatible with all data warehouses that support the XMLA interface (e.g. Microsoft Analysis Services, SAP Business Warehouse)
- Rapid self-service dashboard creation without programming skills
- Uncover patterns you haven´t even been looking for
- Numerous chart types including maps, cross tables and small multiple displays
- Mouse hovers
- Sliders and drop down menus to adjust variables
- Silverlight/WPF animations