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DAX KEEPFILTERS Plus Bonus Complaining

I cannot tell a lie.  Nah… that’s a lie.  I just lied.  But I am speaking truth here… I’m excited to write this post today!  I get the rare joy of sharing something cool with you… while doing my favorite thing… complaining about stuff! Open-mouthed smile


We are going to talk about the KEEPFILTERS function.


Before I get too far… let me point you over to Alberto’s post on KEEPFILTERS.  Alberto makes what I think might be a mild overstatement “If you don’t use and understand it, you will incur major problems with your formulas and debugging the wrong results will turn into a nightmare”… but I do think that understanding KEEPFILTERS can help you understand the CALCULATE function… which is easily the most powerful and important function in all of DAX.



Tags: dax, tabular


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