Resolving Common Connectivity Issues in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Connectivity Scenarios (by
SQL Server Best Practices Article
Summary: This article identifies the top 10 connectivity scenarios in which users may experience connectivity problems and explores error messages generated by common client applications. It shows you how to quickly isolate each error, and then provides the information you need to resolve the underlying issue that caused the particular error message.
When an application is unable to connect to a Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2005 Analysis Services instance, the error message that is returned may help you isolate and then resolve the problem. However, error messages do not always provide you with sufficient information to resolve the problem. Also, the same error message can be generated by multiple underlying problems. Furthermore, the error messages generated by different applications for the same problem are different; in this paper you will discover that using a secondary application may help you isolate the source of the connectivity problem. Finally, information in the application log and in trace files can also expedite the problem resolution process.
Tags: security, connectivity, paper