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Avoiding NULLs in SSAS Measures

In a recent discussion I made a statement that many data marts allow and contain NULLs in their fact table measure columns. From the poll responses I am getting here, I can see that more than half of everyone voting does have NULLs in their measures. I thought the ratio would be smaller because in many models we can avoid NULLs and it could be a best modelling practise to attempt to do so. There are a few techniques which lead to a reduction of the need for NULL-able measures and possibly even to their complete elimination. While converting NULLs to zeros has a performance benefit because of certain optimisations, it also loses it in many cases because calculations operate over a larger set of values; in addition the performance hit of retrieving and rendering zeros in reports and PivotTables may be unnecessary. Therefore, it is advisable to test the performance and usability benefits of Preserving or converting NULLs to BlankOrZero. Thomas Ivarsson has written an interesting article about the NullProcessing measure property on his blog.



Tags: design, mdx


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