August 9th, 2007 by Vidas Matelis
In my last post I listed changes that are expected in SSAS 2008 next CTP 4. But it looks like none of the changes made into July CTP. They probably were postponed last minute. Even new Microsoft documentation (read Chris Web blog) lists some of the features as present. For example block computation is listed in documentation, but just today in webcast I saw block computation example where in CTP4 it took query to execute 1min, and in new SSAS build the same query come back in a few seconds. So I hope that all changes listed in my previous post will be in the next CTP5, that is targeted for September 18th release (during PASS conference).
Today there was another good webcast presentation “The value of Business Intelligence with SQL Server 2008” by Julie Strauss (Product Manager) & Donald Farmer (Principal Program Manager). From this presentation I got more info on 2 new enhancements (not listed in my previous posts) that we should expect in the next CTP.
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Posted in SSAS, SSAS 2008 - Katmai | 5 Comments »
July 26th, 2007 by Vidas Matelis
Today I participated in the Microsoft webcast “TechNet Webcast: Data Warehousing Enhancements in Microsoft SQL Server 2008” (Event Code: 1032344497) by Torsten Grabs. Some information in this webcast was about upcoming changes in SSAS 2008.
In SSAS 2008 we should expect MDX query performance improvement as now Analysis Services will be able to deal better with cube sparsity. Cube space is generally “sparse” – values only exists for small number of dimension intersections. SSAS 2005 evaluates expressions on complete space. With SP2 SSAS 2005 does some subspace computation, but in SSAS 2008 this is improved a lot. SSAS 2008 divides the space to separate calculated members, regular members and empty space. Then it can better evaluate cells that needs to be included in calculations.
There was interesting information presented about SSAS backups. I did not know that that for SSAS 2005 backup time grows exponentially for databases over 20GB in size. This is fixed in SSAS 2008 and backup time growth now is linear. Also in SSAS 2008 Analysis Services backup storage subsystem will be replaced and all limitations on backup size will be removed.

Presenter also listed other upcoming SSAS improvements, but because of time shortage did not elaborate more:
- Query Tracing
- Writeback performance
- Read-only scalable database
- Resource monitoring
I understood that these changes will be included in the next CTP (CTP 4) that is expected in 2-3 weeks. Microsoft is planning to to CTP releases every 2-3 months.
Posted in SSAS, SSAS 2008 - Katmai | 2 Comments »
June 18th, 2007 by Vidas Matelis
I posted this in SSAS 2008 forum, but decided also to post it here.
I did some testing with Analysis Services 2008 June CTP and found following:
- No problems restoring databases that were archived in SSAS 2005.
- I like new dimension wizard and can see myself using it more, as I have more control on how attributes are created.
- June CTP can be used to test how my database is holding to “best design practices”, as I can see all the warnings after database is restored.
- Adventure works database that is shipped with Katmai June CTP has a lot of warnings. I know that this is just a warning and not error, but when I open Adventure Works DW cube, I keep getting distracted by all these blue lines in almost every dimension.
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Posted in SSAS, SSAS 2008 - Katmai | 2 Comments »
June 11th, 2007 by Vidas Matelis
Just participated in chat session on Katmai release and found some new information on SSAS 2008. Full transcript of this chat will be published shortly here.
Some interesting Q/A below:
- Q: What are improvements to Analysis Services 2008? I saw new feature visual attribute relationship in Dimension Editor, and also I saw “Design warning” interface where you can enable/disable design warnings. Anything else we should check in SSAS 2008?
Rob Zare [MSFT] (Expert):
A: This CTP includes a redesigned dimension wizard, a new attribute relationship designer, and real-time design/best practice warnings. The warnings are implemented in AMO, exposed in the UI via blue squiggly lines, and can be dismissed individually (a single occurrence) or turned off all together.
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June 10th, 2007 by Vidas Matelis
This weekend I had some time to play with SQL Server 2008 (Katmai) June CTP, and I am posting here my first impressions (focus on Analysis Services).
As a first attempt I tried to setup SQL Server 2008 on the computer that already had SQL Server 2005 default instance installed. I wanted to install SQL 2008 as a named instance and compare SQL 2005 and 2008 side by side. After answering few standard questions I got message that because SQL Server 2005 was found on the machine, SQL Server 2008 cannot install client tools. I proceed with installation without client tools. After installation I tried to use SQL Server 2005 BIDS environment and connect to Katmai instance, but somehow that did not work. Then finally I decided that maybe I should read readmesqlkatmai.htm file. Found that side by side installation is not supported. From readme file: Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in SQL Server, SSAS, SSAS 2008 - Katmai | 2 Comments »