Pictures from the 2008 MVP summit
April 20th, 2008 by Vidas MatelisI just came back from 2008 MVP summit. I had a great time, especially meeting so many new people.
Here are few pictures from this summit.
Microsoft awarded Darren Gosbell with XBox 360 Elite for finding the most important security bug in SQL Server. Here is Mosha Pasumansky handing the XBox to him. Congratulations Darren!
“Analysis Services Table” during SQL Server product group dinner
Starting from the left: Edward Melomed (Microsoft), Mosha Pasumansky (Microsoft), Darren Gosbell (Australia) and Willfried Farber (Germany)
“Analysis Services Table” during SQL Server product group dinner
Starting from the left: Deepak Puri (US) and me (Canada)
“Analysis Services Table” during SQL Server product group dinner
Dave Wickert (Microsoft)
My fellow Canadian MVPs.
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